How Are Administrators Assigned and Deleted in Frontline?

Assigning and Deleting Administrators to Buildings in Frontline: A Guide to Ensure Proper Access for Evaluating Assigned Personnel

The building administrator should be assigned to the specific building where they will be responsible for evaluating. On the other hand, the Super Admin of the platform does not require assignment to a building since they have access to all users in the system.

NOTE: Before administrators can be added to a building, be sure the administrator has "permission" as an Approver/EEM Observer. Follow the following directions:

  1. Administration > Users > PG Permissions

  2. Select Approver/EEM Observers

  3. Select the Add Users button in the right-hand corner

  4. Type in a couple of letters of the last name in the last name box and select Search.

  5. Select the box next to the user's name and then select the Add Selected Users box

  6. Configuration Tools > Site Configuration > Buildings List

  • Select the name of the building you wish to assign the administrator to.
  • To assign the building administrator, go to the "Approvers & Observers" section and make sure that their name is listed as a building-level approver. If there are any additional evaluators, you can add them by scrolling down to the "Employee Evaluation Management Observers (EEM)" section and including the names of the other administrators in the building who will be conducting evaluations.
    • Please be aware that the extra features available for Building Level Approvers are specifically intended for streamlining processes when using Frontline's PDMS (Professional Development Management System).

Building Level Approvers:

image (6)

Employee Evaluation Management Observers (EEM) section:

Add EEM Observer example

If the administrator's name is not visible on either list, simply include the building administrator's name to ensure they are properly assigned.

Click on the "Edit" button.

Edit Button Example

Enter the first and last name of the administrator, then click on the "Search" button.

Enter First and Last Name example

Choose the administrator from the list and click on the "Add" button.


image (7)

Deleting Administrator from a Building:

To update the user's name, select "Change", or to delete the user, select the "Trash Can".