How Are Evaluation Rights Assigned in Frontline?

Manage Evaluation Rights: Directions to Manage Evaluation Rights in Frontline by User, Building, or Department

To manage evaluation rights, the Evaluation Rights Wizard enables you to assign rights to users, buildings, or departments. These rights include the ability to view, comment on, schedule, or submit forms/elements that are aligned with specific components. To access the Evaluation Rights Wizard, follow these steps: 

1.  Follow the path: Evaluations > Components > Evaluation Rights

Eval rights

2. Select the green +Add Evaluation Rights button to start the wizard.

3. Choose the type of rights you want to establish: User Level, Building Level, or Department Level. Click Next to proceed.

Select User Level, Building Level or Department Level rights to identify which type of rights you would like to establish. Click Next on the lower right corner.

For User Level Rights:

  • Select the administrator(s) who will be granted the Evaluation Rights. If desired, you can search for administrators by their Last Name. Click the Next button to proceed.
  • Choose the users that you want to assign. You have the option to filter them by building, evaluation type, and more. Simply click the Next button to proceed.
  • Choose the specific rights that you would like to assign to the selected administrator(s). Click the Next button to proceed.


View: Administrators can view the form/element, but they are not able to perform any other actions.
Comment: Administrators can provide comments on the form/element to provide feedback or suggestions, without being able to make any changes to the actual data.
Schedule: Administrators can set up a schedule for the form or element.
Submit: Administrators can submit the form/element, granting them the rights to both schedule and finalize a form.
Component Instances: Administrators can adjust the number of component illustrations, either increasing or decreasing them as needed.

Review the selected rights and click the Submit button to finalize.

NOTE: If an administrator already has rights defined for a specific user, any new rights will overwrite the existing rights. "Super Admin" rights surpass any assigned Evaluation Rights.

For Building Level Rights:

  • Choose the administrator(s) for each building to whom you want to grant rights. Click the Next button to proceed.
  • Choose the specific rights that you would like to assign to the selected administrator(s). Click the Next button to proceed with granting the rights.
  • Review the rights you have selected.

If your administrator is not appearing as an option, it means that the administrator has not been assigned to that building in Site Configuration. To resolve this, please refer to the instructions on how to assign an administrator to a building in the "How to Assigning An Administrator to a Building" section.

NOTE: When assigning rights by building, please remember to exclude the name of the administrator who is conducting the evaluations. This is because the evaluator should not evaluate themselves. Additionally, uncheck any other administrators in the building who will not be evaluated by the selected administrator.

  • Click Submit.

For Department Level Rights:

  • Choose the administrator(s) from each department in Frontline's Departments section that you want to assign rights to. Click Next to proceed.
  • Choose the specific rights that you want to grant to the selected administrator(s). Click Next to proceed.
  • Review the rights you have selected. 

NOTE: When assigning rights by departments, be sure to exclude the name of the administrator who is conducting the evaluations. This ensures that the evaluator does not evaluate themselves. Additionally, uncheck any other administrators in the building who will not be evaluated by the selected administrator.

  • Click Submit.

HELPFUL TIP: To assign View rights to certain users for a specific administrator and Comment rights to other users for the same administrator, you will need to run the Evaluation Rights wizard twice. First, run it to assign View rights to the desired users, and then run it again to assign Comment rights to the other users.