1. CESA 6 EP Help Center
  2. ESPES
  3. Standards, Indicators, and Rubrics

What Culturally Responsive Educational Specialist Teaching Practices are Reflected in the EP Model?

EP Standards & Indicators Related to Culturally Responsive Practices for Educational Specialists: A Guide That Highlights Observable Culturally Responsive Practices

This guide outlines the integration of culturally responsive practices within the Effectiveness Project (EP) standards for educational specialists. It provides detailed descriptions and indicators across six performance standards: Professional Knowledge, Communication and Collaboration, Assessment, Program Planning and Management, Program Delivery, and Professionalism. Each standard emphasizes strategies and behaviors that support diverse learners, promote inclusive environments, and ensure effective communication with all stakeholders. The guide serves as a valuable resource for educators and administrators to foster a culturally responsive teaching environment that enhances student engagement and learning outcomes.