How Are Administrator Rights Assigned in Frontline?

Assigning Administrator Rights in Frontline: Set Administrators Up With Appropriate Access for Employee Evaluation

The Admin Rights Wizard provides the capability to assign administrative rights in Employee Evaluation based on User, Building, or Department. It is recommended to grant the rights for "View Historical Data" and utilizing the "Report Writer" tools. The following rights are available for assignment:
  • Form Designer: Allows the administrator to easily create and modify forms, with the added capability of embedding rubrics directly into the forms.
  • Rubric Designer: Allows administrators to easily create and modify rubrics that can be seamlessly inserted into evaluation forms in the future.
  • Component Manager: Allows administrators to design component templates and allocate components to district Evaluation Types and individual users.
  • Evaluation Assignments:  Allows the administrator to assign evaluation types to users and set the start and end dates for evaluation cycles.
  • Report Writer: The Report Writer tool allows administrators to run provisional and customizable reports within the system, and it provides valuable insight into your district's daily functions. (Suggest adding for all evaluators).
  • Ad Hoc Elements: Enables the administrator to assign Ad-Hoc Elements to users. (Not recommended as the forms are outside of the evaluation process)
  • Rollover Tool: Enables the administrator to rollover the district (or a subset of users) from one year to the next in bulk. This feature should be used in conjunction with your District Settings. It is important to only grant this right to a select group of trained administrators to ensure proper usage.
  • System Report: Enables administrators to access the various reports within the system that are available for the district.
  • Edit Archived Forms: Enables the administrator to edit the content on forms from a previous evaluation cycle. It is recommended to consider adding this right for HR Administrators.
  • View Historical Data: Provides the administrator with access to historical evaluation data. It is recommended to add this right for all evaluators.
  • Super Admin: Enables the administrator to have all of the rights above. Make sure that administrators who have this level of access have completed the necessary training.
  • Evaluation Rights: Provides Administrator permission to determine who can participate in a staff member's evaluation process and what level of permission the evaluator should have in the staff member's evaluation forms (e.g. Submit vs. View).
 To access the Admin Rights Wizard:  
  1. Follow path: Evaluations > CONFIG > Admin Rights
  2. After accessing Admin Rights, select the green Add Admin Rights button to start the wizard. Admin rights
  3. Select User Level, Building Level, or Department Level rights to identify which type of rights you would like to establish.
  • User Level Rights: Select this option to assign rights to one user at a time.
  • Building Level Rights: Select this option to assign rights to all administrators (or a subset) assigned to a building.
  • Department-Level Rights: Select this option to assign rights to all administrators (or a subset) assigned to a department.
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  For User Level Rights:
  • Choose the administrator(s) that will be assigned the Admin Rights. Search by Last Name if desired. Click Next.
  • Select the users that should be assigned. Click Next.
  • Choose the specific rights that you wish to assign to the selected administrator(s). Click on the "Next" button to proceed.
  • Once you have reviewed the rights you have chosen, simply click on the "Submit" button to proceed.
For Building Level Rights:
  • Select the administrator(s) from each building (as configured in the Buildings section of Frontline) for whom you would like to assign rights. Click Next.
  • Select the type of right(s) you would like to grant for the selected administrator(s). Click Next.
  • Review the rights that you have selected and click Submit.
 For Department Level Rights:
  • Choose the administrator(s) from each department (as set up in the Department section of Frontline) to whom you want to grant rights. Click on the Next button to proceed.
  • Choose the specific rights that you wish to assign to the selected administrator(s). Click on the "Next" button to proceed with granting the desired rights.
  • Review the rights that you have selected and click Submit.

To delete Admin Rights for users:  Select either the edit pencil to add or delete select rights or the red circle to delete users from the Admin Rights altogether.  

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