What Components Are In the Frontline Education Professional Growth Platform?

Exploring the Frontline Education Professional Growth Platform: Navigating the Learning Plan and Managing Evaluation Components

The Learning Plan tab in the Frontline Education Professional Growth Platform organizes evaluation components into four categories: Scheduled Components, Action Required, In Progress, and Complete. This section provides a detailed view of forms scheduled by evaluators, forms requiring action, forms in progress, and completed forms. Users can easily navigate and manage their evaluation tasks, ensuring timely completion and submission. Additionally, the platform offers features like My Evaluations, My File Library, and My User Profile for organizing evaluation cycles, uploading resources, and updating personal information.

To access the Frontline Education Professional Growth site, simply click on the provided link: Frontline Education Login.

Exploring the Frontline Education Professional Growth Platform

The Learning Plan

Once you navigate to the "Learning Plan" tab, you will notice four categories highlighted in grey.

  • In the "Scheduled Components" sub-section, you can view any forms that your evaluator has scheduled for you.
  • The "Action Required" subsection shows any forms that are waiting for you to take action, such as reviewing, submitting, or acknowledging them with your online signature.
  • The "In Progress" subsection shows any forms that have been started and are currently being worked on.
  • In the "Complete" subsection, you can find all the forms that have been finished, including the date and time of completion.

In the example below, you will find items that require action. Take a moment to review the Teacher Goal Review/Documentation Log. This form is listed with two important details: its status and the action required.

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The status of each form is indicated by a blue label, providing information about what needs to be done or the current status of the form in the evaluation process. The requested action is represented by a blue "hotlink" that you can click on to open the form and complete the necessary action. An item with a red exclamation point indicates that the form is overdue and requires immediate attention.

When you click on the blue link to open a form, it will open in a new tab on your browser window. This allows you to easily view, complete, edit, or take any necessary action on the form.

To save your form, simply click the save button located at the bottom of the form. Remember to only submit your form when you are ready for your evaluator to review it.

To exit the form and go back to the main page, simply close the tab and click on the "My Learning Plan" tab in your browser to return to your main Learning Plan view.

My Info: Navigation Bar on the Left Side

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The "My Evaluations" section serves as an organized repository of evaluation cycles, containing records of previous forms and cycles. It also provides a convenient location for users to upload artifacts using the "Artifact Files" feature.

The "My File Library" is an optional feature provided by the district that allows educators to upload resources into their own site. Additionally, the district can also upload resources that are accessible to all educators. This feature enables educators to easily access and share resources to support their professional growth.

My User Profile: This section contains all the profile information that you have entered into Frontline Professional Growth. It is where you can view and update your personal details, such as your name, contact information, and any other relevant information. Keeping your user profile updated ensures that your information is accurate and accessible to the necessary parties within the Frontline Education Professional Growth platform.

To log out of the program, simply click on the dropdown menu located under your name in the right-hand corner and select the "Sign Out" button. 

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If you need assistance, please reach out to us at epsupport@cesa6.org. We are here to help you with any questions or concerns you may have.