How Can Artifacts Be Managed in the Evaluation Cycle?
Managing Artifacts in the Evaluation Cycle: A Guide To Uploading and Managing Artifacts in the Evaluation Process
To upload artifacts, access the "My Evaluations" section.
Educator Only: Select "My Evaluations" in the left navigation bar.
Evaluator Only: Evaluators may upload an artifact to an educator's files by locating the educator's name in the Process View and selecting the "stack of papers" icon to the right.
After locating the educator's name in the Process View, select the "stack of papers" icon to the right and then select the "Artifacts" link.
To add an artifact, select the "Upload" button.
A pop-up box will appear. Enter an artifact name and provide a description for the uploaded file.
Artifact Types: Determine the nature of your artifact. Select the most appropriate type to accurately describe your artifact. Please note that this field may or may not be mandatory depending on your district's requirements.
Categories: Determine the appropriate category for your artifact. Select the category that best aligns with your artifact. Please note that this field may or may not be mandatory depending on your district's requirements.
Alignment and Criteria: To align your artifact with the appropriate standards, follow these steps.
First, choose a rubric from the available options by selecting the down arrow.
Then, select the component that best aligns with your artifact.
Next, in the adjacent field, select the down arrow and check the corresponding criteria box.
After that, select the "Add Criteria" button. You will see the selected component and criteria appear in the box below. If your artifact aligns with more than one component, simply repeat these steps for each additional alignment.
Upload: Select the radio button to select either a "File" or "URL" type and select the blue upload arrow to upload the necessary file. (provided you chose the "File" option)
For a file upload: An Open file box will appear. Select your file and select Open.
Return to the Upload File setup, choose whether to notify an administrator and select SAVE once finished.
For a URL: Choose this option if you want to upload a URL. Paste the web address in the designated File box (Maximum 50MB) and follow the same steps for file upload.
The Artifact will appear in the list and reflect your selected details.
If any additional changes are required, select the pencil icon to the right of the artifact name.
To find out where an artifact was uploaded, simply hover over the magnifying glass icon when viewing the Artifact Files.
To view the artifacts aligned to the standards right after uploading, make sure to refresh your screen.
For districts not requiring the documentation log in non-summary years, see below:
During the non-summary years of the evaluation cycle, the artifact file will serve as a secure storage location for all your artifacts. However, in the summary year, there will be a dedicated documentation log in the evaluation process. Rest assured that the system will automatically transfer all your artifacts from the artifact files to the documentation log.
Before the start of the summary year, make sure to edit or delete any artifacts in the artifact file. You have the option to let all artifacts go to the documentation log and then revise them. However, if all artifacts are automatically transferred to the documentation log in the summary year, you will need to go back to the artifact file to make any necessary revisions.
When editing or deleting artifacts, it is important to do so directly in the artifact file, which is the place of origin. When you are completing the reflection in the documentation log, you can easily access reflection notes from non-summary years by scrolling down to the artifacts under each standard on the documentation log page. To view the original notes that were placed in the description field of the artifact file, simply click on the blue icon. This will be helpful when you are working on the reflection section of the documentation log.