How Are District Settings Configured in Frontline?

District Settings Configuration: Ensuring Proper Setup and Management of Evaluation and Notification Options in Frontline

Configuring district settings in Frontline is essential for effective evaluation management. This guide provides step-by-step instructions on setting up and managing various district options, including requiring rollover rights for evaluations, allowing teachers to upload artifacts, and enabling the evidence collection tool. Additionally, it covers optional settings like requiring artifact types and categories, using Rights Assignments, and configuring email notifications. Proper configuration ensures accurate data management, streamlined evaluation processes, and timely communication through automated email notifications for various actions and status updates.

District Settings:

Evaluations > CONFIG > District Settings

Districts have the flexibility to configure various settings based on their needs. Ensuring specific settings are checked is vital, typically handled during the initial onboarding process to Frontline.

  • Require rollover rights to finalize evaluations: If you choose this option, you will need to have the necessary permission rights assigned to your profile in order to complete evaluations.
  • Evaluation finalization options: It is advisable to set the evaluation finalizations so that they do not need approval.
  • Allow teachers to upload artifacts: Enabling this option allows teachers the choice to upload artifacts.
  • Require rubric alignment: Selecting this option mandates aligning the rubric when uploading an artifact.
  • Show evidence collection tool: Selecting this option will enable the visibility of the evidence collection tool.
  • Disable automatic coding: Selecting this option activates a feature that associates numbers with components.

Optional District Settings:

  • Require artifact type: Selecting this option mandates the selection of artifact types during the artifact upload process, a requirement that is no longer necessary as per DPI guidelines.
  • Require artifact category: Selecting this option requires the selection of artifact categories during the artifact upload process, which is no longer a requirement according to DPI guidelines.
  • Clear evidence after sync: If you do not select this option, the evidence will not be cleared after syncing in the Evidence Collection Tool as per the system's default behavior.
  • Use Rights Assignments instead of Forms Assignments in Admin View: Enabling this option allows for the configuration of Rights Assignments instead of Forms Assignments within the Admin View.
  • Enable editing of form behind evidence collection tool: Enabling this option allows for updating the form behind the evidence collection screen. It's important to note that any information entered on the form should be saved frequently, even when using the Evidence Collection Tool. The sync process will not automatically save any data typed in the form.
  • Restrict user management to staff in the same: You can choose between "off" or "Building" from a drop-down list. Selecting "building" limits User Management and Evaluation Rights to staff members who work in the same building(s) as the administrator.
  • Enable Automatic building Evaluation Rights: When this option is chosen, Evaluation Rights will be automatically granted or revoked for building administrators based on the building assignment(s) of staff members.
    Example of settings

Email Notification Settings:

Frontline Professional Growth automatically dispatches a range of email notifications triggered by various conditions, ensuring immediate delivery to recipients.

The email sent contains the name of the specific form, the user/administrator's name who carried out the action, any notes, and pertinent details like scheduling logistics (date, time, and location) for a planned meeting.

Below are the descriptions of the available email settings:

Schedule User Form triggered by the act of setting a schedule using the Schedule Element icon. An email is sent to the User and Assigned Administrator (if the administrator is not the administrator who is doing the scheduling). This email also includes a .ics file that can be imported into your electronic calendar.

Route User Form - triggered by the use of Finalize or Route Element icon. An email is sent to the Administrator selected from the dropdown and the message text input in the "Notes" field is sent.

Acknowledge Evaluation - notifies an administrator when a user acknowledges the "Final Evaluation Summary" at the end of the year. (Note: Wisconsin does not utilize the Final Evaluation Summary)

Submit Form - when a user clicks the Submit button at the bottom of a form, an email notification is automatically sent to both the User and the Assigned Administrator. If the administrator is not the designated administrator handling the submission, they will also receive the email notification.

Comment Form - when a user submits a comment through the Comments button on a form, an email notification is sent to the User (if they are not the commenter), the Assigned Administrator (if they are not the commenter), and the original commenter (if the comment is a reply to a previous comment).

Assign User Form - when the Assign Element icon is utilized, an email notification is automatically sent to both the User and the Assigned Administrator.

Finalize User Form - when the Finalize or Route element icon is used, an email notification is sent to both the User and the Assigned Administrator (unless the administrator conducting the finalizations is the same as the assigned administrator).

Acknowledge Form - when a user clicks the Acknowledge button on a form, it triggers an email notification that is sent to the Assigned Administrator.

Notify form - when you click the "Save and Notify" button at the bottom of a form, an email will be sent to the Administrator or User selected from the dropdown. The message text entered in the "Notes" field will also be included in the email notification.

Schedule Action - when a schedule is set using the Schedule Element icon, an email notification is automatically sent to both the User and the Assigned Administrator. This email also includes a .ics file that can be imported into your electronic calendar.

Artifact Upload - when a user saves an artifact upload, an email notification is automatically sent to the Assigned Administrator.

Re-Submit Form - when an administrator clicks "Submit" on an archived form that is being edited, an email notification is sent to the user involved.

Re-Acknowledge Form - when a user clicks the Acknowledge button on a re-submitted archived form, an email notification is sent to the Administrator associated with the form.