1. CESA 6 EP Help Center
  2. SAPES
  3. Evaluating Teacher Performance Evlaution System/Educational Specialist Performance Evaluation System

How Can Summative Coaching Conversations Be Structured?

Summative Coaching Conversation Templates: A Framework for Meaningful Feedback and Professional Growth

The  Summative Coaching Conversations Templates provide a structured approach for principals and evaluators to facilitate effective post-observation discussions. For each standard in TPES, ESPES, and SAPES, the template guides users through acknowledging current work, deepening understanding, identifying areas for growth, and moving practice forward. This ensures a comprehensive evaluation and supports continuous professional development, ultimately enhancing teaching practices and student outcomes.

Scroll through to see all three.

Teacher Summative Coaching Conversation Template


Access the Teacher Summative Coaching Conversation Template by clicking here.

Educational Specialist Summative Coaching Conversations Template


Access the Educational Specialist Summative Coaching Conversation Template by clicking here.

School Administrator Summative Coaching Conversations Template


Access the School Administrator Summative Coaching Conversation Template by clicking here.