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  2. ESPES
  3. Standards, Indicators, and Rubrics

What Do the Practices That Meet the ESPES Rubric Criteria Look Like?

Educational Specialist Rubric Scoring Tool: A Comprehensive Guide to Evaluating Teaching Performance Across Six Standards within the EP Framework

This document provides a detailed breakdown of the Educational Specialist Performance Evaluation System (ESPES) rubric, highlighting the key elements and expectations for each performance standard. It includes descriptors for levels of performance (Distinguished, Effective, Developing/Needs Improvement, and Unacceptable) across six standards: Professional Knowledge, Communication and Collaboration, Assessment, Program Planning and Management, Program Delivery, and Professionalism. The guide also offers sample illustrations and practical examples for each standard, helping educational specialists understand how to demonstrate and achieve high performance in their roles. This resource serves as a valuable tool for both self-assessment and professional growth.